North Zone Hermanas: Ramirez, Osorio, Hernandez, Delatorre, Perez, San Martin, Marmelo, Gonzalez, and Bahena y Mejia in front:
Elder Day and Hermana Marmelo sing “Brightly Beams our Father’s Mercy” in English and Portugués at Zone Conference:
Lunch at Zone Conference with Hermanas Franco, O’Driscoll, Leon, Lopez,
Chegue, Calix, Martin y Velasco:
Elders Oropeza, Gonclaves, Turcios, Roberts and Weiss (giving Elder Adock a lift), and Elder Day:
Elders McAllister, Jimenez, Walker, Adleman, Jones,
Sarabia and Chavez at Zone Conference:
Two awesome hermanas in Satélite, Hermana Hernandez y Herrera:
Elders Garcia and Minor at work in Casas Grandes:
Seven new Hermanas and they trainers:
Elder Adcock, Meyer, Napierski, and Jensen...with a toilet plunger? 🤷🏼♀️
A visit to the Elders serving in Benito Juárez and Villa Ahumada, two of the branches in the mission. Elders Munive, Fullmer, Hernandez and Bronson:
A beautiful Mole handmade by Hermana Lopez for Presidente y Hermana Henke: